"40" is a feature-length comedy, a road picture about an independent director and his actors, artists in mid-life crisis. The film was shot on location in North Texas, Utah and Colorado. It premiered at the USA Film Festival, and it has played at sold-out screenings at various film festivals.

40 Poster

On his fortieth birthday, Trevor Day learns that his film has been accepted to the Sundance Film Festival. He invites his actors, washed-up soap opera stars Stacey Harris and her ex-husband Rick Reeves, to accompany him on a road trip to the festival. Just as each of life's decisions brings a few surprises, their misadventures along the way prove to be much more than they bargained for, particularly when they take a "short cut" via old US Highway 40.


Peasant Ridge
Peasant Ridge is a feature-length motion picture comedy, written by Stephen Davis. An hilarious impressionistic look at suburban life, it follows the day-to-day antics of an ensemble of memorable characters, revealing the pretense, inanity and utter madness that can be found in a seemingly normal tract home neighborhood. This project is currently in development.


The Company
Highfalutin Films is a privately owned company founded by writer/producer/director Stephen Davis, created for the development and production of independent films. The company's first project -- "40" -- has been completed. It's second feature-length comedy -- "Peasant Ridge" -- is currently in development.


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Highfalutin Films
P.O. Box 5372
Reno, NV 89513


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